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Fertility& Reproductive Counseling

Northwest Relationships therapy office infertility counseling Seattle Tacoma Spokane Bremerton

Many people experience challenges in their journey to growing a family. Whether due to perinatal anxiety or mood disorders, like postpartum depression, medical infertility, challenges finding a donor to assist with conception, recurrent pregnancy loss, or a variety of other reasons, the reproductive process- while rewarding- is one that can also be fraught with heartache and distress.


Our therapists have advanced training in working with clients through the perinatal period (the time around pregnancy and birth) and reproductive process. We provide informed and inclusive mental health care to all people on their path to parenthood.



Reproductive Counseling Services
Love in vitro. Cloning and creating children from a test tube. New life from a test tube.

Infertility Treatment Support

If you're struggling with challenges related to becoming a parent, you know how it can deeply affect your relationships, your perspective on life, and your self-esteem.


If you or your partner have received a diagnosis of infertility, you may benefit from the support of a therapist to help you navigate the complex and confusing process of fertility treatments.


Our counselors are trained couple and family therapists with certifications in perinatal mental health and sex therapy which allows us to provide you with comprehensive and supportive care during this journey.

. The concept of the loss of child, abortion of pregnancy, miscarriage. Infertility in wom

Pregnancy Loss & Abortion Recovery

Pregnancy loss may be one of the most common losses nobody wants to talk about. Whether through miscarriage, stillbirth, failed ART cycle, or something else, losses associated with pregnancy can be devastating to intended parents. Many people experience this in isolation and even feel disconnected from partners in the aftermath of the loss. We bring sensitivity and compassion to your process as you journey to understand and cope.


A person who is considering pregnancy termination for any reason may also face challenges. While abortion may the right decision for many, experiencing one still can come with loss and many complex emotions. Therapy can help someone who is considering abortion can weigh their options, discuss their feelings, and come to a decision without pressure or judgment. We are here to provide a space to promote healing and restoration for people who have experienced abortion.

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Queer + Trans Reproductive Support

Queer and Trans folx face unique challenges and barriers when it comes to conceiving a baby. We provide knowledgeable and gender-affirming support for LGBTQ+ clients through the reproductive journey, from preconception and navigating Third Party Reproduction processes, pregnancy and birth, and postpartum and parenting.


We also hold space for working through reproductive loss and traumas, including discrimination from legal or medical systems.

Crying, sad, and lonely mother with her baby at home .jpg

Perinatal and Post-Partum Mental Health

It is normal for the time around pregnancy to be filled with mixed emotions- all of the hormonal, emotional, and physical changes you're experiencing can be overwhelming.


You may find that therapy can be helpful if you are feeling depressed, anxious, or finding yourself fixating on negative or scary thoughts. It can also be helpful for you if you are struggling with the transition to being pregnant or to parenthood.


Signs that you might benefit from perinatal mental health support include (from ASRM):

  • persistent feelings of sadness, guilt, or worthlessness

  • social isolation

  • loss of interest in usual activities and relationships

  • depression

  • agitation and/or anxiety

  • mood swings

  • constant preoccupation with fertility challenges

  • marital problems

  • difficulty with "scheduled" intercourse

  • difficulty concentrating and/or remembering

  • increased use of alcohol or drugs

  • a change in appetite, weight, or sleep patterns

  • thoughts about suicide or death

The concept of ovulation and conceiving a baby. The sperm fertilizes the egg. A model of a

Family Planning & Fertility Preservation

Medical treatments offer many options to support people in making the best decision for them about when and how to have children. You can use therapy to discuss these options and make decisions about how to plan for starting a family, whether through pregnancy prevention, trying to conceive, fertility preservation (egg or sperm freezing, or "cryopreservation"), fertility treatments, surrogate or gestational carriers, pregnancy termination, or even decisions about whether or not to have children at all.

Focus on pregnant woman touching her abdomen with gentleness. Married couple is putting si

Third Party Reproduction

(Donor, Gestational Carrier, or Surrogate)  Assessments

Intended parents are often required by their doctor to participate in counseling prior to an egg, sperm, or embyro donation procedure or before using a gestational carrier or surrogate.


These assessments can be helpful for several reasons:


  • Explore Complex Issues: Delve into the complex emotional and ethical considerations surrounding third party reproduction.

  • Prepare for Parenthood: Address potential concerns and prepare emotionally for the journey ahead.


  • Informed Decision-Making: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the legal, ethical, and psychological aspects of using a donor or surrogate.


Our Third Party Reproduction Assessments include:


  • Individual and Family Sessions: Personalized counseling sessions tailored to address your unique situation.

  • Psychological Evaluation: Comprehensive evaluations to ensure readiness for the emotional journey of third party reproduction.


  • Supportive Guidance: Ongoing support to help you navigate any challenges that arise during the process.

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